Personal data

Privacy policy

The data controller

The Jardin de Valombreuse company (SAS Jardin de Valombreuse, 36 rue de la chapelle Imm. Ti Mamzell 97122 Baie-Mahault) processes your personal data and is responsible for the processing of personal data collected by the garden. 

What data is collected and for what purpose?

Data :

  • name

  • first name

  • date of birth

  • postal address

  • email

  • cell phone

Their use :

  • They are used to manage our relationship, our exchanges and to answer your questions or any complaints you may have.

  • Satisfaction survey

  • Personalized information and garden news

  • Sending offers and promotions

  • Contest

  • Invitation to events

  • Targeted and/or geolocated advertising

  • Create an account on our ticketing and booking system, enabling you to place orders, track your purchases and collect your tickets. 

  • Managing communications and monitoring our exchanges

  • After-sales service management

  • Managing your requests to exercise your rights of access, rectification and opposition, in accordance with the regulations on personal data.

  • Analysis of your use of services (in particular your online browsing and your reactions to e-mails), in order to send you the most appropriate communications.

Who has access to your data?

Le Jardin de Valombreuse does not disclose or sell your personal data to external companies.

We may use external service providers to process this data in order to provide you with a better service.

The persons having access to your data are :

  • Jardin de Valombreuse employees in departments concerned by the use and processing of your data (marketing, sales, store, reception, etc.).

  • Marketing service providers and advertising agencies with which the garden is associated.

How long do we keep this data?

Data will be kept for at least the time required to execute the contract. It may then be stored and processed for 3 years following your last contact, to enable us to send you commercial solicitations.

Right of access and rectification of transmitted data

You have the right to access, modify, rectify and delete data concerning you. You can exercise this right by contacting us at : SAS Jardin de Valombreuse, 36 rue de la chapelle Imm. Ti Mamzell 97122 Baie-Mahault

You can unsubscribe from our emailing list at any time, by contacting us or by clicking on the link in all emails.


What is a cookie?

A cookie is a text file deposited on the device you use to browse our site.

Cookie management

The purpose of the use of cookies by Jardin de Valombreuse

Cookies are permanent. They contain a unique identifier for each browser. They constitute the history of visits to our site and to each of its pages. They are used for statistical purposes on the consultation and use of the website. They also enable us to send you personalized offers and services.

You can accept or refuse the use of cookies on your terminal at any time. You can set your browser to refuse cookies without affecting your browsing experience on our site.

Modification of this manual

The Jardin de Valombreuse company reserves the right to modify or update this notice at any time.